6 Ways to Keep Your Sanity Before Winter Break

If you’ve ever been a teacher, you know how crazy the holiday season can be. With all the seasonal distractions, you’ll often find yourself obligated to attend extra activities at school, like holiday programs and parties. Plus, many teachers have to close out their gradebooks before the end of the year, and that can be a daunting and stressful task. All of this craziness, compounded by all the family things you need to get done yourself before the December holidays, can make you dread this time of the year altogether.

I’ve put together some helpful strategies to cut down on holiday burnout:

Student Engagement is Key 🔑

  1. Don’t lose focus of your lesson plans! Class parties, fun activities snow days… all of the things that may throw you off but don’t let it!

  2. Take time to review those unit plans and pinpoint what you e covered for the year so far.

  3. Incorporate mini lessons, review games and lessons that refresh not drain your students.

Don’t Let the Craziness of the Season Burn You Out 😪

  1. Right before winter break, things tend to get crazy. Students need to see consistency and order.

  2. Set weekly goals with your class to ensure they’re aware of the academic expectations.

  3. Incorporate mini awards like brain breaks, group work, and individual shoutouts to keep momentum.

Be Flexible

This doesn’t mean going completely against what you would normally do, just finding the right balance between the two that doesn’t drive you insane!

Keep Grading A Priority

Teachers spend many hours ensuring clarity and consistency with their student assignments. Teaching all the behavioral expectations for a variety of school and classroom situations. Routines are taught as part of the daily curriculum, regularly practiced, and always positively reinforced.

Be Present

It will be so tempting to try to finish things up while students are working independently, but try to find a balance. We need to remember that not all of our students are going home to a safe space. Your classroom has been a haven for some of your scholars. A place where they feel seen, heard, and loved every single day.

Show Love & Kindness

As you’re wrapping things up for the year, remember to continue to show them just as much love and grace if not even a little extra, as they may not receive a warm hug or smile for the next 10 to 14 days.

Keep in mind you’ve got this, my friends! Just take one day at a time!

Until next time,



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