Become the dynamic teacher…

I know you were meant to be

 Guess what? I know…

you’ve got what it takes to be an effective teacher


I know it’s hard when you’ve just started teaching and have no idea what’s next. You don’t even have the right questions to ask because it’s all new. The overwhelm is real and you’re wondering what did you get yourself into?!?!

Am I right?

Sure, you’ve completed student teaching and you know you need to plan and make a great impression on your principal but you need a bit more tools. Let me help you become the Dynamite Teacher you were meant to be in no time!

For those of you that join my coaching program, I will guide you through my steps to feeling confident, prepared, and excited to teach like a rockstar teacher!


hey there!

I’m Patrice Renée



I’m your go-to gal for all things education and empowerment. I’m a firm believer in the power of transformative learning experiences and am on a mission to spread joy and inspiration to educators and students alike. As an educational consultant and coach, I’m here to sprinkle some magic into your teaching journey and help you create vibrant and inclusive learning environments where everyone can thrive!

Ever found yourself pondering, “How can I dig deeper?” Well, from classroom teacher to assistant principal, I’ve been there, done that, and boy, have I got stories to share! I’m all about asking the big questions and uncovering those golden nuggets of wisdom to level up your teaching game.

When I’m not busy spreading sunshine in classrooms, you’ll find me cuddled up with my hubby D’Juan, my adorable guinea pig Paige, and my fluffy mini golden doodle, Pepper Nala. We call Illinois home, but my heart will always belong to the DMV.

I launched Patty Pepper Education Resources, LLC, with one simple goal in mind: to be your ultimate education cheerleader! Whether you need a pep talk, some fresh ideas, or a little sprinkle of inspiration, I’ve got your back.

Let’s keep it real, though. The education world can be a wild ride, and sometimes, you just need someone to keep it real. That’s where I come in! No fluff, no frills—just honest advice, practical tips, and a whole lot of heart.

I live by two mottos: “Be the educator who decides to GO FOR IT” and “Let all you do be done in love” (1 Cor. 16:14). Your journey in this field should be a joyous adventure filled with laughter, love, and endless possibilities.

Here’s to creating magical moments in education and embracing every step of the journey together!

My passions? Oh, they’re endless! From literacy and instructional strategies to coaching teachers and, of course, diving headfirst into the wonderful world of picture books (seriously, they’re my absolute jam!), there’s never a dull moment in my world.
With over 19 years in education under my belt, I’ve danced through classrooms from Pre-K to 8th grade and soaked up every moment of the journey. I’ve even donned the hat of an assistant principal for six amazing years! Recently, I took a leap into the world of instructional coaching for elementary teachers, and let me tell you, it’s been a whirlwind of excitement and discovery.

 I thrive on lifting people up


A lot of teachers tell me “I never have enough time to implement self-care into my daily life. I am struggling with effective ways to take care of my own social and emotional needs.”

Self-Care is so very important, this we sometimes forget. The current state of education has so many of us wearing many hats that lead to burnout. I’ve been on a mission to redirect my own personal habits and mindset to change and to lift educators up with these practices of self-care.

Are you struggling with ways to implement self-care into your daily life? Whether you're a teacher, parent, or administrator we must stop and change how we treat ourselves. That ultimately starts with our thoughts.

My #1 tip to help stay connected to a better you is to stop each day and be intentional about self-care practices. Let’s remind ourselves that Self-care is not selfish and as an educator currently experiencing burnout, I can tell you affirmations, dancing away my problems, and staying connected to God keep me grounded.


 A Few Fun Facts



Paris, France


Iced Chai Tea Latte


Bright + Hardworking


Using Google Keep!


Helping educators succeed!


One decision can change everything.