Welcome All Students: Kickstart Your Year with a Bulletin Board Kit and Book Companion

As the new school year approaches, teachers everywhere prepare their classrooms, organize lesson plans, and look for ways to create a warm and inclusive environment for their students. One of the most effective tools to achieve this goal is using a bulletin board kit and book companion. Specifically, the "All Are Welcome" Bulletin Board Kit and Book Companion from Tales of Patty Pepper can help set the tone for a welcoming and inclusive classroom right from day one.

Why "All Are Welcome" is Perfect for Your Classroom

The book "All Are Welcome" by Alexandra Penfold and Suzanne Kaufman is a beautifully illustrated story that celebrates diversity and inclusion. Its message is simple yet profound: no matter who you are or where you come from, you are welcome here. This makes it an ideal choice for the beginning of the school year, a time when students may feel anxious or uncertain about fitting in.

By incorporating the themes and messages of "All Are Welcome" into your classroom decor and activities, you can create an atmosphere of acceptance and community. The bulletin board kit and book companion provide you with everything you need to make this happen.

What's Included in the Bulletin Board Kit and Book Companion?

The "All Are Welcome" Bulletin Board Kit and Book Companion includes a variety of resources designed to help you integrate the book's themes into your classroom. Here's what you can expect:

  • Bulletin Board Decorations: Bright, colorful pieces that can be used to create an eye-catching display. These decorations often feature characters from the book, along with positive messages and welcoming phrases.

  • Discussion Questions: Thought-provoking questions that encourage students to reflect on the book's themes and relate them to their own experiences.

  • Activities and Worksheets: Engaging activities that reinforce the book's messages of inclusion and diversity. These can include coloring pages, writing prompts, and group projects.

  • Posters and Banners: Large, visually appealing posters and banners that can be used to create a welcoming atmosphere in your classroom.

How to Incorporate the Kit into Your Classroom

Incorporating the "All Are Welcome" Bulletin Board Kit and Book Companion into your classroom is easy and can be done in a few simple steps. Here's how to get started:

  1. Set Up Your Bulletin Board: Use the decorations included in the kit to create a vibrant and inviting bulletin board. Arrange the pieces in a way that draws attention and conveys the message of welcome and inclusion. You can also add student work to the board as the year progresses.

  2. Introduce the Book: Start the school year by reading "All Are Welcome" aloud to your students. Take your time with the story, allowing students to absorb the illustrations and discuss the characters. Use the discussion questions from the kit to facilitate a conversation about the book's themes.

  3. Engage Students with Activities: Use the activities and worksheets included in the kit to reinforce the book's messages. These activities can be done individually, in small groups, or as a whole class. They provide a great way for students to express their thoughts and feelings about inclusion and diversity.

  4. Create a Classroom Charter: After discussing the book and completing some activities, work with your students to create a classroom charter. This charter can include agreements on how to treat each other with respect and kindness, ensuring that everyone feels welcome and valued.

  5. Display Posters and Banners: Hang the posters and banners around your classroom to serve as constant reminders of the values you are promoting. These visuals can help reinforce the welcoming atmosphere and remind students that they belong.

Benefits of Using the Kit and Companion

Using the "All Are Welcome" Bulletin Board Kit and Book Companion offers several benefits for both you and your students:

  • Promotes Inclusivity: The resources help create an inclusive environment where all students feel accepted and valued.

  • Encourages Reflection: The discussion questions and activities encourage students to think deeply about important social issues.

  • Fosters Community: By working together on the activities and creating a classroom charter, students build a sense of community and cooperation.

  • Enhances Engagement: The colorful and interactive materials keep students engaged and excited about learning.


Starting the school year with the "All Are Welcome" Bulletin Board Kit and Book Companion is a powerful way to set a positive tone in your classroom. By promoting inclusivity, fostering community, and encouraging reflection, these resources help you create a welcoming environment where all students can thrive. Visit Tales of Patty Pepper to explore the kit and companion in more detail and get ready to welcome your students with open arms.

Incorporate these tools into your classroom this year and watch as your students flourish in a space where everyone truly feels welcome.


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